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Submission guidelines

Paper Submission

Papers must be submitted through CMT

Formatting Your Manuscript

All submissions must comply with the following criteria:

Authors should consult Springer’s author guidelines and use their proceedings templates for LaTeX or Word. Authors are also advised to include their ORCID identifiers in their papers.

Double-Blind Peer Review

AIPAD 2024 follows a double-blind review process. Authors and reviewers will remain anonymous to each other. Authors must prepare their submissions according to the Anonymity guidelines of MICCAI to ensure the integrity of the double-blind review process. Non-anonymized submissions will be subject to immediate desk rejection

Simultaneous Submission Policy

In submitting to AIPAD 2024, authors implicitly agree that no paper with substantially similar content is concurrently under review or will be submitted elsewhere before the conclusion of the AIPAD 2024 review process.

Proceedings Publication

The accepted papers of AIPAD 2024 will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series by Springer. This publication will ensure international dissemination and recognition of the authors’ work.

Additional information coming soon…

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